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Benefits of hosting Jira Align in a VPC environment


This document covers the benefits, advantages, and additional tooling that can be leveraged when Jira Align is hosted in the virtual private cloud (VPC) or a dedicated cloud environment. Also included are what steps you need to take to leverage additional tooling.

Key benefits of moving to the VPC, or dedicated cloud environment

  • Better performance
  • Customer managed keys for encryption at rest
  • Data center selection
  • Logging data transfer
  • Ability to audit at will
  • Pen testing

Additional capabilities and tooling options

How to set up
Application log access
Access to the following application logs:
  • Master Jira Align audit log
  • API authorization log
  • Windows Event log
  • AWS Cloudtrail logs
  • Partner with Atlassian to set up a secure location such as an S3 bucket where logs can be shipped for your retrieval.
  • Raise a support ticket to get this process started. If you have an active engagement with Atlassian Advisory Services, add them for visibility.
  • Customer managed keys for data at rest encryption
    BYOK encryption key for persistent storage.
  • Your organization would need to have a key management system that works with AWS KMS. Alternatively, you could leverage your organization’s AWS account to manage keys.
  • Raise a support ticket to get this process started. If you have an active engagement with Atlassian Advisory Services, add them as a participant for visibility.
  • Splunk or similar tool
    Build dashboards to monitor site activity.
    Your organization would ingest the logs sent via a secure file transfer process established above into your organization’s Splunk instance (or similar tool).
    IP allow listing
    Require your Jira Align users to be on your company VPN to log into Jira Align.
    Raise a support ticket to get this process started. If you have an active engagement with Atlassian Advisory Services, add them as a participant for visibility.
    Pen testing
    Leverage your penetration testing tools to assess your Jira Align instance.
    It is preferred that you raise a support ticket for awareness on the Atlassian side.
    Build reports and views into usage patterns.
    Identify areas where training is needed.
  • It is not possible to provide direct access to Atlassian’s Pendo instance.
  • If you have an active engagement with Atlassian Advisory Services, work with them to create reports that can be shared with you on a regular basis.
  • VM & network level isolation
    True data and processing segregation.
    Built in.

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