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How to create a PI Planning page in Confluence

Learn how to create the template page that will prepare the program for each Program Increment (PI) Planning event. Working agreements are critical to the effective use of Jira plans. A Confluence page will help coordinate efforts across teams, making the PI Planning event run seamlessly, especially for remote events.


As programs plan for the next PI, it is critical that all participating teams practice minimum standards.


The steps below provide instructions on how to import and modify the Prepare for PI Planning template.

Create a PI plan in Confluence:
  1. Download the Prepare for PI Planning template document.
  2. Create a new page in Confluence.
    1. Select the Create button or the plus sign (+) sign next to a parent page.
  3. After the new page appears, on the top right of the page, select Import, then select Word document (.docx). Select the file you downloaded and then select Open.
  4. Allow the import to complete and select Finish. This will open the page in Confluence with the template for you to manipulate.
  5. Modify the Confluence page to reflect your program’s PI plan and your teams.
    1. Update the page title and replace the ‘##’ with the name of your PI.
    2. Replace all the instructions in gray font with your context.
    3. Update any additional details in the Team Checklist and deadlines section. Keep in mind, the goal is to make the preparation experience for each team as easy and clear as possible.
    4. In the Milestones and Timeline section, replace the image with the /roadmap planner macro with your PI preparation activity dates leading up to the PI Planning event. We recommend you kick off the preparation activities listed below two to three weeks ahead of the Pl plan event:
      1. Strategy alignment.
      2. Release prioritization.
      3. Verify shared PI plan.
    5. In the Reference materials section, include links as needed. We recommend you create a PI schedule page that includes sprint dates and all the PI-related events for the entire quarter.


You will have a reusable PI Planning template in Confluence.


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