Working Agreements
Run the Working Agreements Play
Prep time: 15 minutes
Run time: 60 minutes
No. people needed: 2-10 people
- How you give each other feedback
- Which tools you use to communicate
- What meetings you hold as a team
- How you escalate problems
- How you will continuously improve as a team

If you’ve used the Working Agreement Play in the past, note that we have recently released a new version. The updated Play focuses more on digital tooling and how to enable distributed teams to choose how they will most successfully work together. At Atlassian we are constantly iterating on our practices to respond to changing conditions and improve.
- Prepare the Working Agreements Confluence Template and share the Working Agreements Play with your team to share context. 5 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Pre-work completed by your team members 5 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Pre-work completed by your team leader 10 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Set the stage by setting meeting behavioral standards and silently reading through the draft document together. 5 MIN CONFLUENCE LIVE MEETING
- Establish communication channels. 10 MIN LIVE MEETING
- Establish meetings. 30 MIN LIVE MEETING
- Commit to your escalation management process. 10 MIN LIVE MEETING
- Discuss how you will enable continuous improvement. 10 MIN LIVE MEETING
If you have feedback or want to share success stories, we want to hear from you! Join us in the Teamwork Lab community!
And be sure to check out the Atlassian University course How to shape effective teams. You'll get facilitation guides, detailed overviews of how to run each play, and solutions to common challenges.
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