Roles & Responsibilities
Prep time: 15 minutes
Run time: 60 minutes
No. people needed: 3-5 people
- Are the responsibilities clear for each person on your team?
- Are roles clearly defined and has everyone in the team got the same understanding of it?
- Does your team have gaps in the roles, responsibilities or capabilities required to get the results needed?
- Does your team get stuck in disagreements or trying to reach consensus on everything?
- Has your team duplicated work?
- generating a shared understanding on the different roles in your team and their unique responsibilities.
- proactively working through tensions to get on the same page up front, rather than sorting it out during work in progress and slowing down delivery.

- Prepare the Roles and Responsibilities template and share the Roles & Responsibilities Play with your team to share context. Your team’s objective should be at the top of the page, and set the focus for the responsibilities listed that contribute to this objective 5 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Identify roles 5 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Identify your teammates responsibilities by adding notes on just what you think others do. You can do this live or leave it open for a few days for asynchronous collaboration. 15 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Identify your responsibilities. Add notes just to what you think you do. Use the comments column or feature in confluence to call out misunderstandings, gaps, or context to discuss with the team live when you regroup. 15 MIN CONFLUENCE
- Discuss role responsibilities. 15 MIN LIVE MEETING
- Review unowned responsibilities. 15 MIN LIVE MEETING
- Summarize and identify next steps. 5 MIN LIVE MEETING
If you have feedback or want to share success stories, we want to hear from you! Join us in the Teamwork Lab community!
And be sure to check out the Atlassian University course How to shape effective teams. You'll get facilitation guides, detailed overviews of how to run each play, and solutions to common challenges.
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