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Use the following How To sections to help identify and define your program leadership team.

Provision a member


  • The program leadership team has been identified, and those in the “core” team will be given user accounts in Jira Align

How to

This procedure will show you how to create a new user, make them a member of the program team, and assign them a team role on the program team.
Learn how to provision a member of the program team

Output and next steps

  • Confirm that the new user receives an email invitation to log in for the first time and change their password


Capture team roles


  • The team wants to facilitate a meeting where they lock down the roles and responsibilities across the program leadership team.

How to

This procedure will help you prepare for a meeting in which you decide on the team roles and responsibilities and capture them in Confluence.
Learn how to capture team roles and responsibilities

Output and next steps

  • Facilitate program team roles and responsibilities meeting



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