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ITSM: The challenges

Based on extensive ITIL v3 adoption in the service management domain, it is a common observation among organizations that service management practices are often implemented as modular and overly process-centric and, at best, result in local optimizations and outputs. These disjointed approaches lack focus on end-to-end value delivery for the customer.
After years of collaboration and knowledge-sharing across our extensive network of enterprise customers, partners, and industry frameworks, we have discovered critical systemic issues that prevent teams and organizations from being true customer-centric or partnership service providers.
What symptoms do you see in the left column that resonate with your organization? Have you been focused on addressing the symptoms instead of the root cause?
Root Cause
Reactive or ad hoc support is the norm
Local (team-level) optimizations may exist
No insight into or communication about why things happen
Teams work in silos, and hand-offs are problematic
Teams are only focused on their outcomes
Teams and members fear exposure rather than seeking opportunities
Visibility into functional processes and work streams without broader end-to-end value delivery
Multiple tools, vendors, and IT teams to deliver a solution
Consolidated tools and processes for groups of teams but not the enterprise
Data collection is present, but no standard reporting
Post Incident Review process was established but did not gain traction
Disjointed teams, disjointed measurements
Lack of framework to make effective and efficient group decisions
Post-mortem is not blameless
Customers' perception of service is poor.
Repeated fire drills for similar occurrences
Escalations are often not done openly and rationally, which causes uncertainty, delays, and damaged relationships.
Lack of understanding of the customer's journey, from how they interact with your service, restricts understanding (and the creation of) ideas.
Like most complex problems, solving just the symptoms will be temporary, but understanding the root causes will pave the way to long-term success.

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